Frank: Sonnets
…And to smudge beauty is to discover ugliness. And to smudge ugliness is to be
knocked back by splendor…
Day 31: #TheSealeyChallenge
Frank: Sonnets
…And to smudge beauty is to discover ugliness. And to smudge ugliness is to be
knocked back by splendor…
Day 31: #TheSealeyChallenge
Deepstep Come Shining
She will still be up when we come in. Our floating host. She will be at the door in her pleated nightgown. Admit us into her air-conditioned nightgown. Her glory cloud.
Day 30: #TheSealeyChallenge
From my father I have inherited the ability
to stand in a field and stare
Day 29: #TheSealeyChallenge
Seasons of an Island Life
How clear childhood seems
in spite of everything,
filled with promise,
each season a temperament, predictable.
The long summer has its passages.
I grow older, wanting
the vivid flower, perfect fruit
no matter what the season.
Day 28: #TheSealeyChallenge
I have made this poem tonight
And I pin it in her hair
For she is the prettiest of creatures
O all like a strange queen is she.
Day 27: #TheSealeyChallenge
When I chewed a bay leaf and rubbed
sage on my hands and arms, I believed
it was in order not to scare the deer.
Which was true. Later I thought it was
so my soul could be read by God.
Day 26: #TheSealeyChallenge
In a Tree House
Love will surely bust you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy
Even if your mind is now
A spoiled mule.
Day 25: #TheSealeyChallenge
The Angels
…A rust-stained pipe
Where a house once stood, which I
Take each time I pass it for an owl.
Bright whorl so dangerous and near.
My mother sat whispering with it
At the end of her life
While all the rooms of our house
Filled up with night.
Day 24: #TheSealeyChallenge
A Meadow
It was a riverside meadow, lush, from before the hay harvest,
On an immaculate day in the sun of June.
I searched for it, found it, recognized it.
Grasses and flowers grew there familiar in my childhood.
With half-closed eyelids I absorbed luminescence.
And the scent garnered me, all knowing ceased.
Suddenly, I felt I was disappearing and weeping with joy.
Day 23: #TheSealeyChallenge
Chinese Foot Chart
Every part of us
alerts another part.
Press a spot in
the tender arch and
feel the scalp
twitch. We are no
match for ourselves
but our own release.
Each touch
uncatches some
remote lock. Look,
boats of mercy
embark from
our heart at the
oddest knock.
Day 22: #TheSealeyChallenge
This is the pipe that pierces the dam
that holds back the universe,
that takes off some of the pressure,
keeping the weight of the unknown
from breaking through
and washing us all down the valley.
Because of this small tube,
through which a cold light rushes
from the bottom of time,
the depth of the stars stays always constant
and we are able to sleep, at least for now,
beneath the straining wall of darkness.
Day 21: #TheSealeyChallenge
A purse was not green, it was not straw color, it was hardly seen and it had a use a long use and the chain, the chain was never missing, it was not misplaced, it showed that it was open, that is all that it showed.
Day 20: #TheSealeyChallenge
and though the odds say improbable
…as i leave i touch the table
where they sat. they ain’t superhuman. ain’t always able
to save the children the men or even your silk presses
but whatever they touch. somebody’s good god blesses.
Day 19: #TheSealeyChallenge
… Don’t you see
That between the people who want
To be machine and the machines
That want to be people women
Are still, still at this late date
Day 18: #TheSealeyChallenge
///// ///.
Womanhood is a lost paradise
The slightest mistake
could bring disaster
///// ////.
Down weakly in a snow bank
she slid into her own self
Day 17: #TheSealeyChallenge
The Townspeople Circle the Boy’s Body
Alfonso lies next to them in the snow. Wraps one arm around her belly. He puts one hand to the ground. He hears the cars stop, doors slam, dogs bark. When he pulls his hand off the ground, he hears nothing.
Day 16: #TheSealeyChallenge
Reading Ovid
If only to watch understanding take his face like the swan-god took the girl.
But rage makes for more rage—nothing to do then but run. And because rage is a story that has
no ending, we’d both have to transform into birds or fish: constellations forever fixed
in the starry heavens, forever separated, forever attached.
Day 15: #TheSealeyChallenge
surreal suicide
savior complex
remembering Stanley
after lola falana on tms
earth control to birth control, who
has invited us in to skip her for what
a professor lucked out in for landing?
computer door to my baby, macaboy
island closed, your handsome voice
left with the burden of your body. you
were meant for me, and i was meant for you
fresh off your chronicled boat, as space
angels led me to you out on fire island.
Day 14: #TheSealeyChallenge
All the strangers came today
Hunky Dory is the first album I owned by David Bowie. At the time, I would have preferred it to be Let’s Dance, but I couldn’t convince my mom to buy it for me on just any ol’ day. So, it was something I was waiting to receive on my birthday, which was months away.
I had $4 saved up and was looking through the “bargain basement” cassette tapes at the new drugstore in town.
I remember the store’s grand opening, drawing the salt-of-the-earth townspeople with free soda, hotdogs, and balloons filled with helium, not just plain air and put on a long white plastic stick to make it look like it was floating.
In the bargain bin, which was literally a bin you had to dig through, I found Hunky Dory, an album released by Bowie in 1971. It was 1983 and the cassette was $1.99. I bought it. I listened. I thought, “This is terrible. I can’t believe I spent my savings on this.” I was afraid of the music, but I kept listening.
Then my assessment ratcheted up from “terrible” to “strange.” The music was coming from a place I didn’t understand. It made me feel new kinds of feelings. It gave me the intuition that life could be more interesting than a free balloon, if I wanted it to be.
Before I knew it, Hunky Dory was the best thing ever. When I eventually received Let’s Dance for my birthday, I loved it immediately, of course. However, in the 40 years since then, I’ve listened to Hunky Dory much, much, much more often.
"Retrospectively, Hunky Dory has been critically acclaimed as one of Bowie's best works, and features on several lists of the greatest albums of all time. Within the context of his career, it is considered to be the album where ‘Bowie starts to become Bowie’, definitively discovering his voice and style.”
The album did the same for me.
To Fuck
Not a subject God
Knew much about—
His bodiless body
Immune to its charms.
They were on their own
In this department
And chose to trust
How part responded
To part—not just
Cock to cunt
And cunt to cock,
But also heart to heart.
Day 13: #TheSealeyChallenge